Ultimate Guide to Looking Naturally Tan

Ultimate Guide to Looking Naturally Tan

A perfect tan. There’s something so weirdly desirable about it - almost everybody wants to get it. And it’s not just an opinion, it’s a scientific fact. Studies show that a vast majority of the population finds tanned and olive-skinned individuals more attractive. But there’s another side to it. We actually enjoy it. Tanning is known to cause a release of endorphins in a similar way that working out does. There’s also this subconscious effect, associated with vitamin D we get from sunlight, which makes us feel better about ourselves – we feel healthier, better-looking and more confident. It seems the love for tanning and tan is in our DNA.

The Science of Tanning

Let’s start by answering a fundamental question. Why do we even get tanned? How does it work? When our skin is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun or artificial sources like tanning beds, the body’s response is the production of melanin. It’s a pigment that absorbs the sun and darkens the skin as a defense mechanism against UV damage. 

Golden Brown Mean

Here’s the catch – it’s not easy. If all it took was just laying around in the sun for a couple of hours, everyone would look perfectly tan all year round. Unfortunately, there’s a little bit more to it. The key is finding that golden mean – somewhere between lobster red and severely sunburnt and blinding snow-like white. To make matters even worse, there are many other obstacles on that road to looking naturally tan. One of them would be the dreaded sunburn we mentioned before, but also lines and uneven tan. As silly as it may sound compared to more serious consequences of tanning, it’s a real problem. Unless you’re walking around shirtless all the time, fixing it is really hard, sometimes even nearly impossible in a completely natural environment.

Not All Tan Is Created Equal

Why some people respond very well to sun exposure and others are left with red skin and terrible pain? Now that we know how the process of tanning works, it’s easy to answer this question. It’s down to melanin production. Some people have naturally low levels of it. In a nutshell – it’s genetic and connected to your specific phototype, which is a classification of skin types by complexion. With less melanin, your body doesn’t have the same level of protection and you’re more sensitive to the UV radiation – and more prone to sun damage. That doesn’t mean all is lost for fair-skinned people, but more on that later.

Don’t Get Too Close to the Sun

Even if tan is a defense mechanism of our bodies, sun exposure is still associated with many risks. Doesn’t matter if your system is full of melanin naturally or you tend to avoid sun like a vampire – we’re all equals here. Everybody knows sun is a powerful force and so is the ultraviolet light it generates. It actually penetrates our skin deeply causing plenty of potentially dangerous or even life-threatening issues.
Sunburn, hyperpigmentation, premature ageing, wrinkling, dark spots, which are often associated with that “leathered” look. Short-term or long-term eye damage and finally the worst of all – skin cancer, including melanoma. That’s the deadliest kind. If you don’t want to end up like Icarus – don’t get too close to the sun.

Naturally Tan in Few Steps  

We know the threats and dangers, we understand how things work and what potential issues we might be facing. All of this may sound scary, but don’t get discouraged – you can get a natural-looking tan, while not putting your health at risk. The best method is a hybrid between habits and the use of new technology and eco tan products. 


Safety should always come first – and this is non-negotiable. Ultraviolet light is pretty much everywhere. You don’t have to sit around in a scorching sun to be at risk. It bounces off the surface of water, snow – just everywhere. That’s why sunscreen (SPF) is a must-have. You need to limit your sun exposure, and this is a great way of doing so. Go for something with at least SPF 30 and remember to reapply it every two hours. Never skip it.

Active Skincare Time-Off

While there’s nothing inherently wrong with skincare products and they’re actually known to have a number of great benefits, it’s not the best idea to use during the sunbathing season. These active ingredients make your skin far more photosensitive. Simply put, more prone to any sun-related damage. Take some time off and get back to your routine in colder months.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

While we’re on the subject of limiting your sun exposure, here’s another crucial factor – sunbathing gradually in small steps. Especially if you’re new to this. Your body and skin need some time to get used to this new practice. Do your best to limit your sessions to 15-20 minutes a day at first. Aim for early morning or late afternoon – this is when the UV rays are far less intense. This way you won’t get hurt. Also, don’t forget to wear sunglasses and a hat to keep you both safe and stylish.

Healthy Habits

Your diet can be a big help in your quest to get a perfect tan as well. If you provide your body with the necessary nutrients, your skin will look healthy and maintain a stunning glow for a long time. Try including more foods rich in carotenoids – they have anti-oxidant properties and are packed with Vitamin A. This little gem helps with cell renewal, overall organ health and has plenty of benefits for our eyes and skin.
Oh, and one more thing. It boosts melanin production. Carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes – give it a shot.

Supplements are helpful too – anything with selenium, beta carotene or vitamin E can effectively boost your tan by increasing your resilience to UV rays.

Another crucial aspect is hydration. We know it’s good for us to drink plenty of water throughout the day, but it can actually help your tan as well by keeping your skin properly moisturised and your entire system hydrated. Heat stroke and dehydration are common, quite dangerous and very unpleasant. Take care of yourself. Your health and safety come before aesthetics.

Use Specialised Products

Let’s face it, there’s a lot of stigma surrounding any self-tanning products - and we get it. We still have that image in our heads of a very distinct shade of Nemo-like orange. The fact is, they’ve come a long way since. With new technologies, like Melinoil, it’s possible to increase the production as well as synthesis of melanin in a safe and natural manner. More tan, with less sun. Gone are the days of streaks, embarrassing colour patches and uneven tan.

Take full advantage of new technologies to achieve beautiful and natural-looking tan – it’s not that hard. It’s important to make it very clear – a self tanning lotion, for example, is a completely different product to those which create fake tan.

A bottle of quality tanning oil or tanning lotion can bring you all the bronze perfection you need, while keeping your skin nourished, healthy, and hydrated. Make sure you pick one made with natural and eco-friendly ingredients, as our bodies tend to respond much better to them. They are both safe and more effective. Plus, let’s face it, you don’t want any harmful chemicals on your skin either. That’s why Mykonian Sun is all about eco-friendly and vegan ingredients.

You’ll be amazed how much can be achieved with the right products and following their application guidelines. The only issue you might encounter is having to explain to everybody you haven’t actually been on a month-long luxurious getaway in Bali… It does get tiring.

Looks Matter, But…

Trust us, as experts on the subject matter, we understand that burning desire to have a perfectly tan stunning-looking body. But don’t ever let that determine your self-esteem. Your skin has its natural tone, and there’s no reason you shouldn’t embrace it. Your skin is unique and beautiful just the way it is. If you do like the look, you can get it, but make sure you do it responsibly and prioritise your safety. Our products and support are here to help you. Go ahead, try them out and enjoy your perfect tan all year round!

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